The Mission of the Urshan System
The mission of Urshan is to prepare Apostolic men and women through higher education for service in the church and to the world.
The Vision of the Urshan System
Aspiring to reach the world and equip the church by educating Apostolic servant leaders one student at a time.
The Mission of Urshan Graduate School of Theology
The mission of the Urshan Graduate School of Theology is to provide training, development, advanced studies, and a research center to prepare Apostolic men and women worldwide for Christian service.
In order to effectively discharge these responsibilities, the objectives are:
- To develop men and women who are able to effectively evangelize those who do not know Jesus Christ, and who are prepared to disciple saints through their teaching, counseling and caring
- To cultivate a spiritual environment to further develop individuals of integrity, who will integrate into their lives moral, spiritual, intellectual, and emotional wholeness
- To embrace the biblical mandate for global mission, fostering a burden without limitation in culture, gender, or ethnicity
- To serve as a center for graduate and continuing education through on-campus and distance-learning opportunities
- To serve as a scholarly resource for the exploration and proclamation of the Apostolic faith
- To proactively explore the needs of an ever-changing world, working to develop innovative ministries that effectively proclaim the gospel while preserving Apostolic doctrine and practice for future generations.
- To provide training and individual leadership development for preachers, teachers, pastors, missionaries, chaplains, and various specialized ministries
The Urshan Honor Code represents the Urshan culture and sets the expectations for every member of the Urshan Community. The Honor Code communicates values we hold sacred, principles we seek to prioritize, and practices we commit to apply as we pursue honesty, integrity, and a lifetime of biblical discipleship.
The Urshan Honor Code is rooted in specific character values from Scripture and reflects the message of Micah 6:8,“He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.”
The Urshan Honor Code is the highest obligation of the entire Urshan Community. Every member of the Urshan Community is Honor Bound:
To do what is good:
Promote and uphold the Christ-like values of honesty, honor, integrity, and love for others.
To do justly:
Uphold academic integrity regarding cheating and plagiarism. Embrace honesty and the pursuit of truth in communication. Embrace sexual purity.
To love mercy:
Model behavior that fosters a safe and peaceful environment. Compassionately confront any person you believe to be in violation of the Honor Code. Inform the appropriate community authority if unresolved (Matthew 18:15-20).
To walk humbly with your God:
Display selfless service and Christ-like humility.