An important part in deciding what college to attend is how you will pay for your education. The Financial Aid office at Urshan Graduate School of Theology realizes this. We also understand that many students need some guidance and assistance in determining what they can afford and what resources may be available to pay for college costs.
UGST offers a comprehensive program of federal and institutional aid. You are encouraged to apply for financial aid if you believe you will need assistance in order to attend UGST.
- Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) on the Web as soon as you have filed your federal tax return.
- If you submitted your FAFSA more than four weeks ago and have not received confirmation from UGST, make sure you have released your FAFSA information to Urshan Graduate School of Theology and then contact the Financial Aid Office 314.921.9290 x7105.
- If you have been notified to submit additional documentation, please respond as soon as possible. Aid cannot be processed until those documents are received.
- Rejected FAFSA: If your FAFSA is rejected by the federal processor, it is not considered “processed.” The most common reason for a FAFSA being rejected is when it is missing the required signatures. Be sure to sign the FAFSA.
Submission deadlines
Federal Aid for the Academic year- If you are requested to submit additional application items to the Financial Aid Office for verification purposes, the office should receive these additional items by May 1 to ensure awards are processed in time for the fall semester.